Looking Forward
The National Tour and Pro Solo went off very well and with very few hiccups. Thanks to our chairs, our Friday night welcoming party leaders (Jesus Villareal, Leslie Francavilla, Matt Francavilla), all the chiefs, and all the volunteers who made it possible. We really can’t emphasize enough how invaluable all your work and dedication was.
In terms of points for our local region, if you have run at least once with us in a class we will award you points. That means if you were the only participant from our club in your class, you will get 200points regardless of how you placed. The prelim results will be posted in a few days. We will also move you into your correct group if for instance you’ve been collecting points in Novice this year but ran the normal class or if you’re normally a 3-driver car but had to change groups because only 2-drivers are allowed at tour/pro.
Now we prepare for the new event coming up on July 13th at Oakland. There are a couple changes as noted in previous posts. First and foremost, we do have a $5 increase in fees. So if you prereg, it’s $40/event. If you come in person it’s $50. That doesn’t include the temp membership if you need one. We’re also moving to a 2-4 run group format that should help alleviate the time constraints we’ve come under recently.
If you’re like us and need your auto-x fix sooner, the Santa Clara Corvette Club will be hosting an event at Marina open to all types of cars June 21/22. Details here .
There are also 2 weekends left at Crows Landing this year! First is the Larry Park Memorial with AAS on July 19/20. The next is a combination SCCC on Sat, SFR on Sunday weekend august 2/3. All cars welcome to the SCCC one but they have a 160 person cap. You can prereg now with them. Details here: Details Here.
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