Category: Event_Info

Items to note for this weekend’s Crows Landing Champ Tour

We’ve got a test & tune/practice course, a welcome party on Friday evening, and a big ol’ change of site and course layout planned for this weekend!

Click for more news about the Crows Landing Championship Tour and CAM Challenge.

ProSolos and Time Trials and Tours, oh my!

The West Coast is extremely front-loaded with events! We have the Crows Pro, the Fontana Pro, Time Trials at Thunderhill West, and the Crows Champ Tour, all over the course of five weeks.

Make sure you’re registered!

A Note from Our Solo Chair

Hello and Welcome to SFR SCCA Solo 2019! For this year, we have a few changes coming up. Questions? E-mail us at! CLASSES For 2019, we are combining some of our classes into “PAX” classes to help increase competition. We have also removed a few index classes (X, N, NS) and renamed one class…
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2019 SFR SCCA Autocross Schedule (TENTATIVE)

This is being released with a pretty big caveat: namely, the Marina dates are NOT FAA approved yet. Note this is true for EVERY club who runs at Marina this year after Feb 1st, not just SCCA. These dates are tentative, with the understanding that if we do not receive FAA approval, we will have…
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Round 3 Done!

We finished round 3 and now our season is over! Stay tuned for news about the awards ceremony and stuff for next year. Prelim results for round 3 are also now up at our results page.

Slush 3, Cone Carnage, Victory Stats

Slush 3 is just around the corner. Make sure to sign up for setup if you can help. And don’t forget to pre-reg! Decided to do a quick check this year of the cone carnage. These numbers are the championship series (minus national tour) and the first two slush rounds. Total Number of Cone Killers:…
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Slush 2 – Prelim Results

Slush 2 went over really well. 5 runs in the morning, 5 in the afternoon, and then an additional 5 fun runs per a person! No rain either until we were already packed up. Prelim results are now up at the results page.

Slush 2 update – rungroup changes

Slush 2 Prereg is up. Make sure to prereg before Thurs 10pm to avoid on-site fees! Find the link at the latest info page. Edit: Morning groups have been modified to balance things out. Check the latest info page to see where you fall now.

Slush 1

Slush 1 went pretty well. Fun runs in the morning and the afternoon resulting in 6-7 runs per a person if they took them! Prelim results are now up at the RESULTS page.

Slush Series!

Slush series has been set up thanks to Megan! Here are the dates: Round 1: October 29, Marina Round 2: November 19, Marina Round 3: December 3, Marina