SFR Supplemental Regulations

2017 Supplemental Regulations
Last updated: June 2017


General Event Procedures

  1. Events will be conducted in accordance with the current SCCA National Solo rules, except where modified or superseded by these Supplemental Regulations.

    The SCCA National office has posted the rules online here.

  2. Failure to Work: All entrants will share the workload. An entrant failing to complete his/her work assignment will be scored as “DNW” (Did Not Work). The published results will reflect a DNW finishing position for the entrant and no points will be awarded for the event. When an entrant has more than one entry during an event that entrant is required to work the corresponding work assignment for each entry.

    Any entrant wishing to work a group other than his/her assigned group must make arrangements with the event chairman. Any entrant who receives more than one DNW finishing position in a calendar year will forfeit all points and/or trophies earned during that year, and will be disqualified indefinitely from entering any subsequent SFR Solo events.

    Disqualification may be appealed with a written explanation presented in person at a regularly scheduled meeting of the SFR Solo Steering Committee.

  3. The minimum number of runs allowed is three per entrant. When circumstances warrant, the event chair(s) may either increase or reduce the number of runs entrants will receive at an event.
  4. To receive class points toward series awards, all entrants must run with their class in the scheduled run group. It is the responsibility of the entrant to let registration know if they intend to run in a different run group, and if they do this it will be scored as a fun run and not count toward series points.
  5. At the discretion of the event chair, an extra set of fun runs in addition to an entrant’s initial entry may be purchased. These will be identified as fun run entries, and are sold for $25.00 per additional set. Fun run entries will be required to work an additional run group that corresponds to the group they will run fun runs in.
  6. The speed limit for any area besides the course of an SFR Solo event is 10 MPH. Speeding, scrubbing tires, donuts, tire warming, etc. are considered unsafe practices, and violators will be asked to leave.
  7. Access to the course inner area and outer boundaries during runs is limited to workers for that group, safety stewards, event chairpersons, and photographers approved by the event chairperson. Spectators and other photographers must stay within the spectator boundaries at the start/finish lines and trailer area. A spectator is defined as any individual not directly involved with that run group. This includes workers who are not working and drivers who are not driving. Photographers must have a “spotter” in their presence at all times while beyond the spectator boundaries.
  8. The event chair(s) may combine run groups during the event.
  9. Safety stewards observing violations and/or unsafe actions which are punishable by disqualification must notify the Solo Chair or Event Chair prior to notifying the entrant that he/she has been disqualified. Once approval has been obtained, the safety steward, Solo Chair or Event Chair may notify the entrant of the disqualification. Stewards observing actions which are considered unsafe, but not punishable, should notify the entrant directly.
  10. Sound Policy: The sound limit is 94 dbA at 100 feet. If an entrant records sound reading(s) during an event in excess of the limit, the entrant is charged with a “sound violation”. Second and subsequent “sound violations” during the year will result in disqualification and loss of series points for the event(s) violated. When a weekend includes events on more than one day, sound violations recorded on more than one day will be counted as a single violation. Disqualification may be appealed with a written explanation presented in person at a regularly scheduled meeting of the SFR Solo Steering Committee.
  11. Protest fee for SFR events is $25.00.
  12. Protests:
    • Protest(s) may be filed by a competitor against only another car or competitor running in his/her class. Such protest(s) will be accepted by the Protest Chief (PC) or, in the absence of the PC, the event chair only on the day of the event. Conduct-of-event protest(s) (timing errors, cone counts, re-run issues, etc.) will not be accepted by the PC. Issues of this type should be addressed to the event chair(s) for resolution.
    • Late protest(s) may be accepted by the PC based only on improper model classification. Such late protest(s) may be filed no later than two weeks after the event.
  13. At local SFR Solo events, anyone over the age of 12 may ride as a passenger as long as they have an SCCA membership (temporary is acceptable).
  14. Establishing class identity at time of registration. It is the responsibility of the entrant to clearly establish his/her car, class and number identities at time of registration. Class identification must be complete including suffixes such as “L” for Ladies (example ASP L).
  15. Car numbers and classes: Each competing car must have numbers and complete class designation clearly shown on both sides of the car. For multiple entrant cars, only the number and class of the entrant driving may be seen during each respective run. Number are restricted from 0-999 with no prefix zeroes. For example, 09 is NOT legal.
  16. Registration closes at 12:00 PM.
  17. Technical inspection will be on grid for all run groups. Entrants without annual tech shall have their helmet ready to be inspected, car unlocked, hood and trunk open.
  18. All entrants shall work. When possible, entrants age 65 and over will be excused from their work assignments.
  19. The Solo Chair has the right to refuse an entry at any time. Entry to future events may be appealed with a written explanation presented in person at a regularly scheduled meeting of the SFR Solo Steering Committee.

Course & DNF Procedures

  1. The entry to the course will have a 90 degree turn prior to the point where the competing car starts the clocks.
  2. Minimum course width shall be as stated in the SCCA National Solo Rules (15 feet, in the 2013 rules). Minimum inside turn radius is 25 feet. For any course turn, a minimum width (15 foot) path, with a minimum inside turn radius of 25 feet, must fit within the course penalty markers (pylons). However, the required first 90 degree turn at the start is not restricted by these limits.
  3. Both sides of the course will be lined with gypsum or an appropriate substance when allowed by the weather and property owners. Slaloms may be lined or unlined.
  4. Pylons exceeding 18 inches in height may not be used as slalom and/or apex cones.
  5. Pylon penalties shall be charged to an entrant only if a pylon is upset or if the base is displaced and comes to rest entirely outside its chalked outline on the pavement during a timed lap. The penalty for each charged pylon will add 2 seconds to the raw run time.
  6. The entry and exit lanes are part of the course for purposes of scoring and determining DNF (Did Not Finish).
  7. All standing pylons are subject to penalty.
  8. Once having entered the course, the entrant must remain in the driver’s seat until that run is complete. If the entrant leaves the driver’s seat during a practice or timed lap, that run shall be scored as a DNF. An entrant whose car is repaired, serviced or pushed by any person during a practice or timed lap will incur a DNF for that run.
  9. No time will be included in the results for a run in which a DNF has been charged.
  10. In the event that a participant hits timing equipment, the participant shall pay $50.

Run Group Formats

  1. There will be a “mid-day” walk through at all events.
  2. Multi-Entrant Run Sequence: All entrants will take their Nth run before any entrant takes his/her Nth+1 run. All cars shall return to their same line between runs, unless the grid marshal directs them to do otherwise.
  3. There shall be a maximum of four entrants per car per run group.
  4. For vehicles with multiple entrants, only the number and class identity for a specific running driver may be visible and must be visible on both sides of the vehicle. Scoring errors resulting from multiple entrants/numbers’ errors are the fault of the entrants and must be protested for resolution to the event chair(s) on the day of the event.

Grid Procedures

  1. All cars for the first run group must be on grid prior to the driver’s meeting. Any drivers attempting to grid after the driver’s meeting may lose a run, at the discretion of the event chair. For all other run groups, all cars must be on grid before the first car takes the first run of the run group, or the entrant who is late on grid risks losing a run.
  2. In any run group, when the staging area and grid are empty, the event chair(s) may declare that group as having made its runs even if everyone has not taken their runs. The event chair(s) or grid marshal shall assume those cars not taking all their runs are doing so voluntarily.
  3. Any repairs which do not delay the event are permitted to be made during the run group. The car can leave the grid area to do this. If the car is not ready to make its next run on time, the entrant may lose their run. If requested by the entrant and with permission of the chair, any unused runs may be completed, although not scored, in a later run group.

Car Classification

  1. Rules for “Open Street Prepared” (OSP):
    • This is an SFR only class, not nationally recognized.
    • The vehicle must have originally been produced for and registered for street use. A license plate on the car and a registration document showing the plate belonging to the vehicle will be accepted as proof of original registration for the street. A current registration sticker need not be evident on the plate as the vehicle registration does not need to be current.
    • The vehicles must compete on D. O. T. (Department of Transportation) approved tires.
    • The index is the current SSM index + 0.002.
  2. Rules for “B Street Prepared Vintage” (BSPV):
    • This is an SFR only class, not nationally recognized.
    • BSPV is class for BSP Vintage Chevrolet Corvettes from year models 1963 thru 1982. Class entrants must meet current SCCA Solo rules for B Street Prepared.
    • The vehicles must compete on one specific brand of tires made specially for this class.
    • The index is the current BSP index + 0.003.
  3. Rules for “B Prepared” BP):
    • This is an SFR only class, not nationally recognized.
    • Rules for eligibility of cars running in this class are those contained in the 2006 National Solo Rule book.
  4. Rules for “indexed” class (formerly PAX class).
    • This is an SFR only class, not nationally recognized.
    • Cars that are legal for Street Prepared or Street Modified classes that are running on street tires may run index-handicapped class, or in the corresponding ladies’ class T2L.
    • Tire eligibility is based on the current National tire rules for the SCCA Street Touring category. Essentially, a minimum treadwear of 200, a maximum section width and with some models on an exclusion list). Current National rules apply with the exception that there is no limit on section width.
    • Class finishing position will be determined by adjusting competition times according to the most recently published index.
    • Required class designation will be T2 plus the regular class, for example, T2-ESP.
  5. Indexed Grouping of Classes (M-, P-, SM-, SP-, CAM-):
    • All Modified cars will run together under an indexed class designated by M-.
    • All Prepared cars will run together under an indexed class designated by P-.
    • All Street Modified cars will run together under an indexed class designated by SM-.
    • All CAM cars will run together under an indexed class designated by CAM-.
  6. Novice Classes: participants will run in the same run group as their regular class, but be scored in an indexed group.
  7. Ladies Classes: Participants will run in the same run group as their regular class.


  1. Season end awards will be presented on the basis of average entries per class according to the Solo Rules Section 11.1. Competitors must attend at least half the season.The number of trophies for a given class is determined by the average number of entries in that class, rounded up to the nearest whole number. Use the following table to determine the number of trophies:
    Average Class Size1-34-67-910-1314-1718-21
  2. Points are awarded to all competitors based on finishing position in class. Points are awarded with the schedule as follows:
    Place in Class123456789

    Place 10th and below begin at 19 and count down to 1.

  3. Option of trophy or $50 towards jacket or two free entries to 1st place winners. Other trophy winners can choose a trophy or 2 free entries. Chairs and SC can also choose between $50 or two entries. You can get one award for winning and one award for volunteering. This shall continue until decided otherwise.

Steering Committee

  1. Solo Steering Committee (SC) Quorum: A meeting of the SC may only be called and scheduled by the Solo Chief. At all SC meetings, the minimum of either 10 SC members or 50% of the SC membership must be present to constitute a voting quorum.