We are the autocross, or Solo, portion of SFR SCCA. Our goal is provide a fun and safe way to improve driving skill and have a blast doing it. The main cone-dodging location is NASA Crows Landing, though we are constantly searching out new venues.
The autocross program is almost entirely volunteer based. That means the person who leads it, the people who work behind the scenes, the event chairs, and everyone else who helps run the events are all people just like you. They put a lot of extra time into making sure everyone gets the best possible experience. A thank you to those people, a coffee, or some other token of appreciation is always wonderful to receive.
If you’re looking to contribute to the organization, talk to one of the event chairs, or one of the chiefs to get started!
We can be reached through our Facebook page San Francisco Region – SFR SCCA SOLO or our Instagram profile @sfrsccasolo. Alternatively, you can also join our Facebook Group, where you will find a multitude of friendly autocrossers willing to help you with any questions you might have.
Every month, we will have a steering committee meeting on Google Meet. Meeting dates can be found on the Google Calendar on the Event Calendar page and the join links will be posted in our Facebook Group. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. If a meeting has to be rescheduled or canceled, it will also be announced in the Facebook Group.
Chief of Solo: John Rowe, Rich Lee
Chief of Novice: Praneil Prasad
Chief of Registration: Erik Acks
Chief of Safety: Ed Runnion
Chief of Timing: Rich Lee
Chief of Trailer: Eric Gnesa
Chief of Waivers: Glen Anderson
Treasurer: Kristen Barnes
Webmaster: Tristen Wu
Steering Committee Secretary: Paul Tibbals
Additional Steering Committee Members: Megan Anderson, Kevin Bui
Photographers: Paul Tibbals, Craig Boyle, Bob Marcy, Ric Quinonez, Anh Nguyen