Rnd 9 – Prereg Conflicts
A small amount of people chose Class/Number combos that were already taken. Check the list here: Bay Area Autox
A small amount of people chose Class/Number combos that were already taken. Check the list here: Bay Area Autox
Round 9 is in two weeks and we’re still looking for a setup crew and chairs. If you can help out, please post here: Bay Area Auto-X Also, remember that the run group format has changed as well as the prices! Run Groups: Round 9 info Price for pre-reg: $40 (this does not include temp…
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Looking for Chairs and setup workers for our event on July 13th! If you can help, post here: Bay Area Autox.
The National Tour and Pro Solo went off very well and with very few hiccups. Thanks to our chairs, our Friday night welcoming party leaders (Jesus Villareal, Leslie Francavilla, Matt Francavilla), all the chiefs, and all the volunteers who made it possible. We really can’t emphasize enough how invaluable all your work and dedication was.…
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There were a few people who needed re-classing and a number of people who requested Class/Number combos that were taken. Please check the list posted at Bay Area Auto-X. PM me there or post in that thread if you want to change the resolution I took. In the future we’ll post a list of Class/Number…
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We will be bringing back On-The-Fly worker changes effective immediately. This is especially applicable now with a 3/3 format and will still be relevant if/when we switch back to a 4/4 format. Please read up on this before you attend your next event. On-The-Fly Worker Changes
Round 7 of the Championship Season is just over a week away! Don’t forget to prereg to save time waiting in line. We also still need people to work setup. Post here if you want to join the setup crew: Bay Area Autox. The issue of Did-Not-Works came up last event. It’s normally not an…
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Preregistration is now open for Round 7 thanks to Glen. MSR Rnd7 Here
Due to the Warriors playoffs, Round 6 at Oakland has been cancelled. Info is now up for Round 7 Please note that rungroups did NOT move. You’re running in the order as if this was Round 6.
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